The Analog TV Demodulator and Decoder IP core is extracted from a production chip and a silicon-proven IP core. The Analog TV demodulator and decoder are two separate blocks of IP cores available as a single license. The input to the demodulator is digital I/Q LIF or Baseband, the input sample rate is customizable to meet the ADC requirement.
The Analog TV Decoder IP contains a high-quality front-end video circuit for processing all analog NTSC/PAL/SECAM standards into a 4:2:2 YCrCb digital video format as well as conventional analog RGB or YCrCb signals. The programmable through an I²C interface.
The provides a cost-effective solution for digitized TV, LCD TV/monitors, digital TV, STB, video surveillance security, video conferencing, video capturing devices, and PC video card.
The Analog TV Demodulator IP provides support for PAL, NTSC, and SECAM. The all-digital implementation is suitable for integration into digital demodulators and digital SOC devices. The solution covers worldwide TV standards, this IP core block also extracted from production SOC.
The input to the demodulator is digital I/Q at baseband at a 19.33 Msps sample rate. The input sample rate is customizable to meet the requirement and changes to the sample rate will require modifications to the filter chain.
For supporting an IF input, the IF frequency is customizable to meet the requirement. For IF inputs, phase rotation to baseband is accomplished by the “Freq correction” block at left using direct digital frequency synthesis (DDFS).

Worldwide TV standards compatible
Automatic NTSC/PAL/SECAM digital chroma decoder
NTSC/PAL adaptive 4H/2D comb filter
VBI data slicer for Teletext, closed caption, WSS and other systems
Analog RGB/Fast blanking capture and insertion in YCrCb output flow (SCART legacy)
Analog YCrCb inputs with tint control
10-bit, 30-MSPS ADC for Y/CVBS input
8-bit, 30-MSPS ADC for C and RGB/CrCb inputs.
Hue control and automatic flesh control for NTSC CVBS/YC signals
Programmable horizontal scaling (x0.25 to x4 scaling factor) and panorama vision
Copy-protection system compatible
H and V synchronisation processing that is robust to non-standard sources such as VCR, and to weak and noisy signals
8-bit pixel output interface line-locked ITU-R BT_656/601 or square pixel YCrCb outputs
Single system clock for all video input format
Two-wire I²C bus interface up to 400 kHz
Typical power consumption: 550 mW
Power supply: 1.8 V and 3.3 V
All-digital Verilog RTL Implementation
PAL Support
NTSC Support
SECAM Support
19.33 Msps, 14-bit baseband digital I/Q Input
Customized as required
Carrier Recovery
Vsynch detect to Change Gain Synchronously
Rotation to Baseband
Raised-Cosine VSB Filter
Complex Filtering to Baseband
Separation of Video and Audio
Audio Filtering High Pass Filter (HPF)
Video Filtering Low Pass Filter (LPF)
I2C Interface for Configuration
19.33 MHz Digital System Clock
Customized as required
Silicon Proven IP core
Ready to license with Modifications rights, unlimited usage
Pre and post engineering sales support
Two separate blocks Demodulator and Decoder
Complete package
Digital TV
Video Capturing Device
PC Vdo card
Customization: Input sample rate per customer requirementm, Filter modifications per customer requirement and input sample rate Datasheet
System Architecture Design Document
Synthesizable Verilog RTL
RTL Test Bench and Test Vectors
Integration Support: Performance Analysis Support, Synthesis and Timing Closure Support