This DTMB demodulator IP is ready to license and silicon proven IP extratced from production chip and fully compliant with China digital tenestlial television broadcasting standard GB20600-2006 , GB/T 26683-2017 and GB/T26686-2017. It supports both multi-camer and single carrier modes, and is capable of receiving all standard-defimtion and high-defimtion digital televrsion formats (SDTVMDTV). It has excellent performance under several channel conditions, and is suitable not only for fixed TV applications, such as integrated DTV and STB, but also for high-speed mobile applications.
This IP accepts one-path 10-bits samples, generated by an A/D converter sampling to an around (but not limited to ) 36.167MHz-centered IF or around (but not limited to ) 5.767 MHz-centered Low-IF signal, as digital input data. And this IP also accepts zero frequency digital input data. The input data is 2’s complementary format. The sampling clock of A/D is assumed to be either 31.12MHz or 30.4MHz, which is a free-running clock, i.e, no need of feedback control from digital processing system. Down-conversion and I/Q separation for both IF and low-IF input is performed digitally inside the IP. Also a digital adjacent filter is implemented to potentially relax the requirement for external analog filters, therefore only one external SAW filter is required.