Our LORA+Bluetooth Low Energy v5 Multi Standard IOT Module is a multi-protocol module that supports LoRaWAN™, Bluetooth 5.0 stack for BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and is designed for high data rate long-range wireless communication in the 2.4GHz ISM band for BLE and 150 MHz to 960 MHz bands for LORA. Further the module support SIGMESH protocol, ANT protocol and LoRaWAN® standard or proprietary protocols. The module can transmit up to +22 dBm with highly efficient integrated power amplifiers on LoRA and can transmit upto +4dbm in BLE.

This module provide a low power yet ultra-low-cost solution for long range wireless transmission applications.
Module is industry proven with applications that are widely used across various sectors like Smart meters, Supply chain and logistics ,Building automation ,Smart cities, consumer electronics, tracking solutions, gaming solutions, lighting solutions and various others.
This low foot print module is highly customisable with on board PCB antenna as well as Antenna connector for applications where it matters.
Module has on board crystals for reducing the overall integration effort and BoM for the end customers.
With well equipped support team, We also provides module along with core software expertise for ease in integration.
Key BLE features
Protocols Supported BLE 5.0, SIG MESH, ANT and 2.4 GHz Proprietary
TX Power +4 dBm
Frequency Band 2.4 GHz ISM
Advanced Features 2 Mbps RF Sensitivity, CSA#2 and Advertising Extensions
Certifications CE RED
Customisation supported
Programming SDK
Antenna PCBA Antenna and u.FL
Key LORA features
LoRaWAN® standard or proprietary protocols.
TX Power +22 dBm
Frequency Band 150 MHz to 960 MHz
Programmable bit rate up to 62.5 kbps LoRa and 300 kbps FSK
Certifications CE RED
Customisation supported
Programming SDK
Antenna u.FL & Helical Antenna